Fermilab LInC Online

The Effects of Counseling on The Potential Drop-out


  1. Carver students will perform activities and design web pages on the following character building topics:
  2. CARING: Concern for others on regard for their needs and feelings
  3. COURAGE: Bravery in the midst of a difficult situation
  4. COURTESY: Thoughtful consideration of and kindness to others
  5. FAIRNESS: Unbiased and impartial standards of what is right and proper
  6. FAMILY PRIDE: A sense of dignity and worth for the basic unity of society consisting of one or more adults and children
  7. HONESTY and TRUTHFULNESS: Sincere trustworthiness marked by integrity
  8. KINDNESS and HELPFULNESS: Extending oneself to others
  9. RESPECT: High esteem for self and others
  10. RESPONSIBILITY: Reliability and dependability in keeping promises and commitments
  11. WORK ETHIC: A dedication and commitment to completing work and tasks successfully

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Created for the Fermilab LInC program sponsored by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Education Office, Friends of Fermilab, United States Department of Energy, Illinois State Board of Education, and North Central Regional Technology in Education Consortium which is operated by North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL).
Author: Minnie L. Robinson (mrobiso@teacher.depaul.edu)
School: Carver High , Chicago, Illinois
Created: October 18, 1997 - Updated: January 10, 1998
URL: /lincon/f97/projects/mrobinson/traits.htm