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Engaged Learning and Best Use of Technology

Lesson Sequence Part II

Discuss Plan

Week 1:

Burning Questions

  • Review End Products
    • Implemention Plan
    • Future Action Plan
    • Field Test your Project
    • Reflections 
    • Final Exam

Mini lesson:  Model using the project rubric to assess an online project and sharing the implementation  for participants. 

  • Group sharing:  Project and Implementation Plan Presentations 
    • Participants will complete a project rubric as they listen to the presentations to determine if the indicators of EL and BUT are present in the project. 
    • Participants give feedback to the presenter so that revisions can be made as needed.
    • Questions should be asked by facilitators to lead participants to recognize what needs to be added to the projects.
    • Facilitators should collect the completed rubrics after the group sharing.
    • Resources Analyzing A Project
  • Collect Implementation Plans for assessment.

Week 2:

Burning Questions
Mini lessons:  Learner Outcomes, Aligning Outcomes with State Learning Standards, Assessment , and Rubric Design Project Round Table-
This activity offers participants a chance to share how the topic of the mini lesson relates to their implementation experience to date.  After sharing, discussing, and trouble-shooting, students can pair off to revise and critique as needed so that their project starts to be fine tuned.  Essentially, this is the beginning of the Future Plan of Action.  Students may use these notes and ideas from discussion and sharing as the core of their action plan.  This format will be repeated each class session as each element of engaged learning and BUT are share and discussed.
Future Plan of Action-
Students will use the suggestions and ideas shared in the Project Round Table and during peer conferencing to begin writing their Future Plan of Action. This plan will include the revisons and suggestions that the participant uses to get the project ready for future implementation.  Our goal is to have the participant fine tune it so that it will be a fantastic future project.
Questions, answers, reflections
          Reflection suggestions: 
          What realizations did you come to that will allow you to move forward in your project revision? 
          Explain a concept that became clearer to you today?
          During this week's class, what was helpful to you, and what realizations/ideas became clearer?

Week 3:

Burning Questions
Mini lessons:  Task and Hook and Revising a Task and Hook Project Round Table- (See note in Week 2)
Continue writing Future Plan of Action
Questions, answers, reflections
        Reflection suggestions:
        During this week's class, what was helpful to you, and what realizations/ideas became clearer to you?
        What were the three most interesting and/or puzzling things that came up today?

Week 4:

Burning Questions
Mini lesson:  Student Direction and the Facilitators Role in the Project Project Round Table-(See note in Week 2)
Continue writing the Future Plan of Action
Questions, answers, reflections
          Reflection suggestions:
          What do you feel good about at this point in time?
          What do you need to know more about?
          How bright is that light at the end of the tunnel?
          What is left on your TO-DO list?

Week 5:

Burning Questions
Mini lessons:  Best Use of Technology and Analyzing for Best Use of Technology
  • Bridging the Gap
  • Projects with good Best Use of Technology
  • Assessing Assignment Hierarchy
  • Project Round Table- (See note in Week 2)
    Continue work on Future Plan of Action
    Scaffolding:  If participants finish field testing and refining the project and have finished the Future Plan of Action, they may want to look for another project that could be used in their classrooms and begin the process again. 

    Questions, answers, reflections

    Reflection suggestions:
    What indicators of best use of technology are found in your project/proposal or the example project
    What revisions need to be made to the BUT in the project you selected?

    Week 6:

    Burning Questions
    • Grouping
    Models of Success:Scaffolding lessons
    Submit Future Plan of Action
    Questions, Answers, and reflections
    Reflection suggestions:
    What questions do you still have about the content discussed today?
    What obstacles do you anticipate and how will you overcome them?

    Week 7:

    Final Assessment: 
  • Participants will use the Project Rubric to evaluate two projects to identify the elements of Engaged Learning and BUT.
  • Collect Reflections
  • Collect final Course Evaluations


    Created for the Fermilab LInC program sponsored by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Education Office and Fermilab Friends for Science Education, and funded by United States Department of Energy, Illinois State Board of Education, North Central Regional Technology in Education Consortium which is operated by North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL), and the National Science Foundation.

    Authors: Sharon Gatz and Stephen Meehan
    Created:  July 1, 2003 - Updated : July 21, 2006
    URL:  /lincon/act/fac/lesson_sequence_part2.shtml